Not Love at First Sight

Welcome to my first action project for this terms Humanities class, Forbidden Books. This class is about banned and/or censored information, which things like books carry, that some people might not want the public to know about and why. For the first part of the term, we learned about the Socratic Method. The Socratic Method is basically an argument, but with a lot of questions of "why" involved. There are five steps to the Socratic Method. First, look for statements that people would call common sense. Second, find an exception to that rule. Third, if you have proven your statement false, you must go back and ask the question again. Fourth, refine your response. Fifth, continue the process for as long as possible. The Socratic Method can be considered dangerous because it can change how someone thinks, believes, or sees the world around them. This is what got Socrates, the one who invented it, killed for spreading his knowledge onto the children of Athens about there being only one God, and the Earth is round, etc. In this action project, my classmate MT and I challenge the statement of love at first sight. I play as the Socrates character, who questions every statement MT throws at me to drive her deeper into the topic. MT plays as the Meletus character, who experiences a transformation in the dialogue. I hope you enjoy!


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