Oil... Why You Gotta Be So Crude?

This term, I have been taking a class called Fuel. The topic of Fuel is to find more ways to use renewable fuels instead of non-renewable ones. Renewable fuels are energy sources that never run out, such as wind, solar, hydropower, biomass, and geothermal energy. Non-renewable fuels are fuels that we only have a limited supply of and have to find, like oil, coal, uranium, and natural gas. Non-renewable fuels are the cause of the greenhouse effect. The more we use them, the more global warming becomes an issue.

During our FE (Field Experience), we learned how the Tesla company is making cars that run on electricity. In addition, Tesla is helping pave the way for alternative energy sources by manufacturing solar panels, solar powered home storage units, and electric semi-trucks. The main issue with electric cars is the ability to take them long distances and locating charging stations along the way. If we can increase the demand for electric cars, gas stations could, eventually, be replaced by electric charging stations. This would reduce our carbon footprint and be a major step in the direction of slowing the effects of global warming.

This Action Project is a presentation on OIL - a non-renewable energy source. This slideshow breaks down the molecular structure, yearly consumption, advantages, and disadvantages of oil. It also compares the oil consumption between the US and Kazakhstan.


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