Saving Us from Oursleves
Welcome to the final Action Project for my first HUMANITIES class of Junior year - Rhetoric. Rhetoric is the art of persuasive speaking or writing, using figures of speech and other techniques in order to make it effective. Compared with previous units, in this unit we learned more about the history of rhetoric and how it has been used over centuries and has evolved. One of the biggest topics we went over was the history of the British Parliament versus the colonists of the United States. There was a war of words between America and England long before the revolutionary era. Although they were arguing with one another, they seemed to use the same rhetorical devices we use today to get their points across. For this action project, we were assigned to either write or create a piece of RhetoArt that symbolizes a current issue affecting the world today. I hope you enjoy! __________________ I am someone who cares about the world and the mental state of which it's people are in. The ...
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