Celestial Senses

The universe is everything...everywhere...infinite. Everything that has ever existed and everything we have ever known makes up our universe. The Earth is only a tiny speck in a constantly expanding universe made of billions of stars and galaxies.

Knowing what you know about light, sound, and time, do you think the universe could exist or operate without one of them? Without time, would we be able to move, develop, and evolve? Without light, we would, most likely, freeze and not be able to grow food. Without sound, we would not have instruments or music, or be able to hear warnings. There are many questions to the mysteries of the universe which are left unpondered.

For this Final Presentation, I want to exercise your mind and have you explore the different possibilities when removing one of the properties - light, sound, or time. Answer the questions below before reading on.

The point of this project is to have you picture an alternate universe. A universe without either light, sound, or time. Which one would be the most habitable? Or, do you think it is even possible to exist in a universe without one of these three properties? Our universe is infinite and so are the possibilities within it. Can we explore these possibilities without light, sound, or time?

The answer is no. The universe is built on these three properties. If we all agree that the universe started with the Big Bang, that massive event required light, sound, and time. The Big Bang Theory says the universe started with a small singularity, then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to the universe we know today (Howell). The Big Bang is how astronomers explain the way the universe began. When the universe began, it was just a single point of hot, tiny particles mixed with light and energy ("What Is the Big Bang?") . It expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is now. Think about that - none of those things could have occurred without light, sound, or the passage of time. Our universe is still expanding. It wouldn't be able to expand without time. Stars couldn't shine without light. Sound is the result of each of these things - a habitable planet with music, chirping birds, and crashing waves.

The main lesson I challenged you with in this project was that missing properties can have a great impact on the universe we live in. You might not notice how important light, sound, and time are until you ponder the thought of living without one. Personally, I believe there was a time before the birth of our universe, but that it was a void lacking light, sound, and time. If I were asked to, hypothetically, live without one of these properties, I would choose sound. I think the ability to see and experience the passage of time are more important than sound.

So, you should remember the importance of these properties from time to time. Continue thinking of things in your daily life that have ties to light, sound, and time. This could lead to more answers to the mysteries of the universe. Thank you very much!



Howell, Elizabeth. “What Is the Big Bang Theory?” Space.com, Space, 7 Nov. 2017, www.space.com/25126-big-bang-theory.html.

“What Is the Big Bang?” NASA, NASA, 27 June 2019, spaceplace.nasa.gov/big-bang/en/.


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