Welcome to My World

Welcome to my first Action Project for the class Stories. In this class, we learned the term "etiology" and what it means. Etiology is the story of how something came to be - like mankind, for example. We have been reading a lot of mythological stories on how things came to be. For this Action Project, we were instructed to create our own stories about the etiology of how something came to be. It didn't have to be real. In this Action Project, we can make up our own world. When I made this action project, I put in too many words. I struggled all night taking out words while trying to keep this story good. I did well creating the it though. I am good at setting my imagination free. If I were to re-write this story, I would have focused less on introducing all of the characters. That is probably one of the reasons why I had too many words. Anyways, we all learn from our mistakes. I hope you enjoy!

"Ancient Cave Painting of  Man and Chimera Together" Illustrated by SN

Long ago, there was a empty space in the universe. The Gods found this empty space and decided to make it into a place they could call home. The Earth God, Gyrocksus (jai-rok-sus), created a large marble of stone and dirt. Then, the Nature Goddess, Herbitro (her-bee-troh), poked a ginormous hole into it, like the opening of a volcano. The hole was so big, her finger almost went through the marble. Herbitro placed a seed in that hole and buried it. The seed needed water and sunlight to sprout, so the God of Entertainment, known as Guitarus (gi-tar-us), started playing a sad song, making Herbitro cry. The water and salt from her tears struck the marble to create oceans and lakes. After that, the God of Fire, Solspur (sol-sper), raised his right hand and grabbed his wrist with his left hand. His right arm began to swell with a glowing bulge of flame. Then, a small ball of fire appeared in his hand. It grew bigger and bigger as Solspur was struggling to harness its power. Then, he finally let go. He made a sun to give light to the marble. Herbitro’s seed sprouted, and the marble turned green. It was finally a place suitable to call home.

The Gods came down to the surface of this new planet. They needed to name it. They held a contest for whoever can find a name for this new planet. All of the Gods took a good look around their planet. They all came back to their meeting spot and said that there is nothing but forests, oceans, and other sources of water everywhere. That’s when the idea hit the God of the Wild, Laulunakis (lao-luna-kis). He was the God of all wild things and the wild itself. Forests, predators, cliffs, mountains, caves, you name it. He is a part of everything wild itself. He decided to call the new planet, Infinaforestis.

As they hung around on Infinaforestis, the Sun set. It became dark, even the Gods couldn’t see. Laulunakis had another idea. He took a small, clear, and shiny gem from his necklace. Then, he chucked it into the sky. With his godly powers, he made that gem into a large yet dim source of light. It was enough light to see through the darkness, and get some rest. 

The next morning, the Gods realized something. They needed people, so it wouldn't be just them on this planet. Again, they competed for whoever would create inhabitants of Infinaforestis. All of the God's used their mighty powers to create people. Sadly, most of their creations failed. From Gyrocksus only creating statues of people, to Solspur creating people of fire that burned everything they touched. Herbitro and Laulunakis actually made successful creations.

Herbitro had a rose vine on her right arm and willed it to grow a rose. The rose hadn’t bloomed yet, so she planted it and asked Guitarus to get some water from a nearby lake and bring it back. He did what Herbitro asked, and she gave the water to the rose. The rose bloomed, and a man and women appeared from inside it. Herbitro already had a name for her creation. She called them humans. Before she could present them to the Gods, the man and women got scared and ran away. Not even the Gods knew what became of them. So, sadly, Herbitro was disqualified. 

Laulunakis was last. He opened his satchel and dug through it. He pulled out a sharp stone and cut his right arm. Lots of blood started to flow. He reached under his jacket made out of silkworm silk, a present from Herbitro, and pulled out two animal hides. He threw the two hides on the ground and started pouring his blood on them. “With the blood of a person, and the flesh and skin of a creature, I shall create the new inhabitants of Infinaforestis," said Laulunakis. A man and women emerged from the puddle of blood. They were like the humans that Herbitro created, but part animal. He called them chimera. One of them had the fur, ears, teeth, tail, and claws of a wolf. The other one had the fur, big ears, big eyes, and small tail of a rabbit. “There is no need to fear them turning on one another since they are all different. I made them to be peaceful creatures that will all work together. Just like how we worked together to make this planet," said Laulunakis. All of the others Gods applauded. They finally found the inhabitants of Infinaforestis they were looking for.


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