You may have heard the acronym ‘GMOs’ thrown around before, but do you know what it means? GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms. A GMO is a plant, animal, microorganism or other organism whose genetic makeup has been modified using genetic engineering. This process creates combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that do not occur in nature. Over the past few years, there have been several debates about the safety of Genetically Modified crops (GM crops). Some groups argue that GM crops are an important contribution to the world’s growing population. Other groups are concerned that GM crops degrade the health of humans, animals, and the planet. In this FOOD unit, the class studied both sides of the GM crop argument and had to choose a side for themselves - anti-GMO or pro-GMO. I am in the anti-GMO camp, and I would like to tell you why.

You should know that someone has been messing with your food. Many of the products consumed on a daily basis have been genetically modified, and a majority of the population is still unaware of the serious impacts GMOs have on our bodies and planet.

Did you know genetically modified crops are dangerous to the health of humans and animals, promote the evolution of ‘Superbugs’ and ‘Superweeds’, and someone is trying very hard to keep all of this shocking information from you?

Genetically modified foods may grow bigger and faster, but they are NOT better. In fact, GM crops have been proven to have harmful effects on the health of humans and animals. In one study, rats were fed potatoes engineered to produce their own insecticide. The rats developed precancerous cell growth in their digestive tracts, had underdeveloped brains, livers and testicles, atrophied livers, enlarged pancreases, intestines, and immune system damage. Scientists believe the cause was not the insecticide, but the process of genetic engineering. In the Philippines in 2003, approximately 100 people living next to a Bt cornfield (a bacteria commonly used as a pesticide in GM crops) developed skin, respiratory, and intestinal reactions when the corn was shedding pollen (Smith). Blood tests showed that 39 of those people tested positive for an antibody response to the Bt-toxin. In 2004, four other villages planted the same corn variety and developed similar symptoms. Villagers also claimed that many animals died because of the Bt corn. GM crops aren’t tested enough for safety before they are sold to us. Biotech farms have been developing GM crops too quickly without testing or public debate. They need to share more information with the public about their effects.

Not only can GM crops harm humans and wildlife, they can also promote the evolution of 'superbugs' resistant to pesticides, and make ‘superweeds’ that are resistant to weed killer. The most widespread herbicide is Monsanto’s Roundup. Weeds first became resistant when Roundup was being applied to crops between 1996 to 2012. Repeated application of the herbicide killed off the weak weeds, giving the stronger, more resistant weeds the opportunity to take over (Shireen). It was applied to soybean, corn, and cotton crops. As a result, growers began using more Roundup, often in conjunction with other weed-killing chemicals in order to get control of these superweeds. For the people eating those crops, more chemicals equalled more health risks and hazards.

In addition to superweeds, GM crops have promoted the evolution of superbugs. Around the same time as the superweed outbreak, growers began planting corn with rootworm killing genes to repel rootworms (Shireen). The rootworm became resistant to the corn and biotech tried to fix it. They recreated the seed and added stacked genes. Eventually, more bugs became more resistant to this seed - killing off the weak bugs, so the stronger superbugs could thrive.

Obviously, in the case of pesticides and herbicides, less is DEFINITELY more!

Did you know companies that sell products containing GMOs aren’t required to include this information on their labels? The mother of all GM companies, known as Monsanto, donated over 7 million dollars to the fight AGAINST the labeling of GMO-containing products. The brand names of those products might surprise you! Monsanto is linked to giant food and beverage companies, like Coca-Cola, Betty Crocker, Kellogg’s, Lipton, Pillsbury, Minute Maid, and Frito Lay. It is like a crime, putting these toxins into our food supply and selling it without having it on the label. Several of these food companies have donated millions of dollars to defeat California Proposition 37 (a Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food Initiative). “Sixty-four countries around the world, including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European Union, require genetically modified foods to be labeled. While a 2015 ABC News survey found that 93% of Americans believe genetically modified foods should be labelled, GMOs are not required to be labelled in the U.S. and Canada” (“What Is A GMO?”). To read more about the companies linked to Monsanto, check out the citations below and read “Blacklisted: GMO Supporting Food Companies to Avoid”.

Why would these food and beverage companies fight to harm our health by not labeling their products? Well, it all comes down to money. At the end of the day, GM crops grow bigger and faster, allowing these companies to produce more products for our grocery stores. If we knew what was truly going on inside our food, we probably wouldn’t want to eat it anymore.

Some groups argue that GMOs are a good thing and offer many benefits. For instance, if a crop can be modified to resist invertebrate predators, then farmers can spray fewer chemicals. With crops genetically engineered to resist pests, growers can avoid crop losses due to infestations and bring their produce to market at less cost. Even with the evolution of superbugs, Monsanto will have you believe they can get that under control using genetic modification. GM crops can also reduce losses from sudden frosts and help crops cope with disease. Did you know that GM corn has a lower fungal toxin content? Again, this saves growers thousands of dollars and hours of hard labor. In addition to needing fewer pesticides and herbicides, GM crops have a few other benefits. With the world’s growing population, GM crops are able to grow bigger, faster, and stronger, providing more food to more people at any given time. In addition, "edible vaccines" are being engineered for people living in impoverished areas and developing countries (“Five Good Reasons”). These forms of vaccines are much easier to ship, store, and administer because genetically modified crops have a longer shelf life.

Corn Yield Percent Increase

United States: 161.9 - 127.1 = 34.8 / 161.9 = 0.2149 x 100 = 21.49%

Iowa: 187 - 138 = 49 / 187 = 0.2620 x 100 = 26.20%

What you see before you is my graph that spans from 1996 to 2009 (I don’t know why 2009 isn’t showing up there). This graph tells you the United States’s and Iowa’s corn yield during Monsanto’s Roundup. Below the graph are my calculations. These show the percent increase in corn yielding during that time. I must say, it likes pretty scarce for the US in 2002.

Despite what Monsanto may have you believe, GMOs have been proven to cause harm to our health and the planet. Several products consumed on a daily basis have been genetically modified, and many of us are still unaware of their serious side effects. Food and beverage giants are working hard to keep this information from us. They are fighting to keep us oblivious to what we are putting in our bodies just so they can continue to make money.

There is a grass-roots movement happening in response to the dangerous effects of GMOs. More and more people are buying organic meats and produce and getting to know local growers at neighborhood farmers markets. At Green City Market in Chicago’s Lincoln Park neighborhood, Mint Creek Farm sells organic meats, honeys, and eggs. The animals and bees all feast on organic grains, produce, and wildflowers. When asked about being a part of this organic movement, Jasi of Mint Creek Farm said, “Organic and holistic farming is life-giving. We want to provide healthy food for our community.”

That’s all we want - healthy food without any secrets.

“Blacklisted: GMO Supporting Food Companies to Avoid.” EatLocalGrown,

“Five Good Reasons to Support GMOs.” Inside Batelle, 27 Mar. 2015,

Peeples, Lynne. “Superweeds, Superbugs And Chemical Concerns: Pesticide Use Proliferating With GMOs, Study Warns.” The Huffington Post,, 18 Oct. 2012,

Shireen. “Another Strike Against GMOs – The Creation of Superbugs and Superweeds.”GMO Inside, 31 Mar. 2014,

Smith, Jeffrey. “65 Health Risks of GM Foods.” Institute for Responsible Technology,

“What Is a GMO?” Non-GMO Project, 2016,


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