Suppressed Freedom

Our Humanity class, Equality, took us through each part that goes into equality. These parts include race, sex, and class. As we were doing so, we talked about many things that hold us back from ending inequality. For this final action project, we had to choose one of those things and how it would be resolved 100 years into the future. The whole premise is we make a news paper or article that talks about this issue being resolved, print it out, and put it into a time capsule to be discovered in 2119. Each of these news papers and articles consist of a captivating headliner that gets straight to the point, an issue we face today that has been resolved, an amendment/law/policy that solved the issue, a toy idea related to the topic, and an op-ed spoken in first person by someone from a group of people that were heavily affected by the issue. The issue I chose was voter suppression, and will show you what the law I made does to stop it.


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