Happy Organizer


Happy Organizer is a sole proprietorship website-based business. Its mission is to provide those who run businesses with an effective, easy-to-use piece of software that allows them to create organization charts for their employees to streamline work and the chain of command. An org chart is a map that shows the roles and hierarchy of all the employees in a business. The org charts can be shared digitally and physically among those within the business. Happy Organizer consists of the owner, accountants, software developers, and customer service representatives.

In every business, employees have various job titles and descriptions. Happy Organizer solves the confusing issue of not knowing exactly who an employee is meant to turn to for specific questions and tasks. It streamlines a company’s chain of command, increasing efficiency and productivity. Ultimately, over time, a reliable org chart can save countless work hours and valuable company resources.

There are three things Happy Organizer software offers that competing software companies don’t:
  • Employee job titles and descriptions can be quickly transferred into the org chart from LinkedIn profiles.
  • Different administrative and editing roles allow others to make changes to your org chart.
  • The org charts can be customized, saved, and shared in several digital formats and formatted for print.
Happy Organizer will advertise on Facebook, LinkedIn, and various business-related websites and magazines. It is advertising in these areas specifically to ensure most of our customers are part of our target audience.

I plan to help the community with my Happy Organizer software through promoting productive employment and work for all. Like SDG 8, I strive to increase company effectiveness with the organization this business provides. The problem Happy Organizer targets is inter-company confusion. Confusion limits productivity. Without productivity, a company fails to contribute to the economic system that needs its support.


Happy Organizer’s mission is to provide those who run businesses with an effective, easy-to-use piece of software that allows them to create organization charts for their employees to streamline work and the chain of command. The vision for this company is to create the most reliable, user-friendly, and flexible map-making software for businesses large and small.

Happy Organizer customers will purchase and register for the product digitally through the website. Any and all issues with the software will be promptly rectified using one of the 3 methods of customer service - live call, online chat, or email. Our trained customer service representatives will solve short-term issues and report back to the software developers. In turn, long-term solutions for those problems will be included in the monthly software update.

The legal structure that makes the most sense for Happy Organizer is sole proprietorship. I have a plan for this business, a clear vision, and established mission. This is why I would take the role of the owner. With all of this in mind, I can build the business without many limitations that keep me from making it a huge success. Having control of the business ensures that the end product will fulfill my vision.

Since it is a web-based business, most of the employees need to be software developers and managers. In addition, I will need an accountant to keep track of my financial records and a customer service department to keep Happy Organizer customers pleased with the product.

Marketing Plan and Sales:

As someone who is no stranger to the internet, it is hard to compete for online recognition. This applies to things among many industries where eye-catching and effective advertising is almost essential for your product to be promoted.

To make an effective advertisement for Happy Organizer, we first need to think of our target audience. In this case, our target audience are those who run businesses. Many of these business owners can be found on LinkedIn, where the advertisement will appear. This will be good for first timers too. In fact, it is said that team-building is one of the things new business owners struggle with. “It’s not enough to find candidates who fill certain roles -- you also need to consider their cost to the business, their culture fit and how they’ll work as part of your overall team.”(Entrepreneur) Next, we need our advertisement to say something that will make people think, “I need that!” I am thinking of something along the lines of, “Tired of your employees going straight to you because they think you are directly in charge of them? You can use the Happy Organizer software to easily construct an organization chart of your entire business to be shared among everyone who is a part of it!”

That is good, but not great. How about a little color change?

When there is a significant amount of growth in the number of people using the website, we will know the advertisement is working. After that, we must try to keep them with the best service we can offer.


Running a business isn’t cheap. You need to think of how much you need to pay ahead of time to see if you can afford it. Here is my two year budget projection for Happy Organizer.

The average cost of having an ad on LinkedIn is $5.26 per click.

It costs $200 to start a website, and $50 a month to maintain it.

The average software developer salary is $28.88 per hour. The average accountant salary is $20.62 per hour. The average customer service representative salary is $18 per hour.

The average work day in the United States lasts around 8 hours.

There are 365 days in a year, and 24 hours in a day. If everyone at Happy Organizer works for 8 of those hours every day, one year equals 1,095 hours of work.

24hrs x 365days = 8,760hrs → 8,760hrs / 8hrs = 1,095hrs

Since this is a 2 year budget projection, we need to multiply it by 2 and get 2,190 hours of work.

If I have only one software developer, accountant, and customer service representative, I will have to pay my employees $147,825 in total over those two years.

($28.88 x 2,190) + ($20.62 x 2,190) + ($18 x 2,190) → $63,247.20 + $45,157.80 + $39,420 = $147,825

Let’s say over those two years, 2,000 people click on the Happy Organizer LinkedIn ad. That would mean I have to pay $10,520.

$5.26perclick x 2,000 = $10,520

One last thing, there are 12 months in a year. Multiply that by 2 and we get 24. Since I have to pay $50 a month to maintain the website, and $200 to start it, I will have to pay $1,400.

$50 x 24 = $1,200 → $1,200 + $200 = $1,400

Total Budget: $147,825 + $10,520 + $1,400 = $159,745 over the course of two years.

Works Cited

Alton, Larry. “The 8 Biggest Challenges for New Entrepreneurs.” Entrepreneur, 7 Jan. 2016, www.entrepreneur.com/article/254721.

“Average Accountant Salary.” PayScale, www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Accountant/Salary.

“Average Software Developer Salary.” PayScale, www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Software_Developer/Salary.

Carney, Lucy. “How Much Does a Website Cost?” Website Builder Expert, 31 Oct. 2016, www.websitebuilderexpert.com/building-websites/how-much-should-a-website-cost/#:~:text=How%20Much%20Does%20Building%20a,cost%20of%20%241%2C000%20per%20year.

“Customer Service Representative II Salary.” Salary.com, www.salary.com/research/salary/benchmark/customer-service-representative-ii-salary.

“How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost in 2021?” How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost? LinkedIn Ad Pricing, www.webfx.com/internet-marketing/how-much-does-linkedin-advertising-cost.html.


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