My goal for this story is to teach the audience the importance of not abusing your power. Puppet shows are great for teaching young children life lessons, so making the backgrounds all colorful, setting the story in a fantasy setting, and giving the main character a very specific voice is what makes this show reminiscent of the ones shown to preschoolers. The purpose this serves is to make this show mean it is for teaching something.
My inspiration for the methods I used to bring the Foolish Knight to life mainly came from the puppet breathing and expression techniques I learned in class from a puppeteer from Rough House Theatre. Making my hand puppet move at all times, even if it is with very small movements such as breathing, makes a big difference compared to just putting it on my hand and keeping it still until it needs to do something, like walk.
I chose the story to take place in a medieval kingdom because it was not uncommon at the time to see knights abusing their power over the poor citizens living in nearby villages. With this in mind, I decided to take these historical occurrences and simplify the basics of how and what happens when they take place into a four-minute puppet show representing the similar problems we face in the present.
Writing the overall story was not very difficult. I knew what I wanted to happen in the show and the purpose each special moment serves. I did struggle with polishing the script. I tend to make things sound more complicated than they really are, along with including words that are not needed in a sentence. However, it turned out well in my opinion. The original plan was to read the whole script as I control some of the puppets, but found that I could only put my focus into one of those things, narrating and puppeteering, while I do both. This caused either sloppy puppeteering or narrating with lots of stutters. I resolved this by having my mom do all of the talking as I control the puppets. My mom also controlled some of the puppets herself because I needed an extra set of hands.
Finally, a show cannot be performed without a stage. I took different colored softcore foamboards and colored some scenery onto them to make the backgrounds for each scene. My mom also suggested the medieval music to play for the first half of the show to add to its theme. The setup was not the most comfortable for my arms as I tried to control the puppets from below where the camera can't see me. I also had to be careful with the backgrounds because they could be knocked over really easily. In the end, after a few previous attempts, I think we filmed a pretty good run of the show with an iPhone in the center of a ring light. This was a fun project and I am happy with its outcome. I hope you enjoyed it!
Welcome to the final Action Project for my first HUMANITIES class of Junior year - Rhetoric. Rhetoric is the art of persuasive speaking or writing, using figures of speech and other techniques in order to make it effective. Compared with previous units, in this unit we learned more about the history of rhetoric and how it has been used over centuries and has evolved. One of the biggest topics we went over was the history of the British Parliament versus the colonists of the United States. There was a war of words between America and England long before the revolutionary era. Although they were arguing with one another, they seemed to use the same rhetorical devices we use today to get their points across. For this action project, we were assigned to either write or create a piece of RhetoArt that symbolizes a current issue affecting the world today. I hope you enjoy! __________________ I am someone who cares about the world and the mental state of which it's people are in. The ...
Hello, I am a 9th grade student here at GCE Lab School and I have been taking a class here called Thin Red Lines, TRL for short. This is a Humanities class that's main focus is maps, that is one of the many reasons it is called Thin Red Lines. Ever since this course started, I learned so many new things about maps that I never even knew about before. Instead of showing a big picture used for directions, each map has its own interests and disinterests. Yet, no matter how many maps we make, they still wouldn't have any interest because the world keeps on changing. But that doesn't mean we stop using them. On one field experience, we were split up into groups and each were chosen a location to reach, using a map. It was a map of Chicago and its interest was, well, Chicago. When one group reached their location, we switched off to the next one. While each group went they got timed by our teacher until they got to their destination. My group was the first one to go. While ...
Hello! For this second unit of Ollywood, we have been studying the elements of post-production. These elements involve editing, sound, and acting. For this second Action Project, me and my partner, BA, critiqued the movie Lincoln in the style of Siskel and Ebert. Lincoln was a film released in 2012 that was directed by one of the most influential personalities in the history of cinema, Steven Spielberg. He has an extraordinary number of critically acclaimed credits to his name as a director, producer, and writer. If you are looking for a good historical drama film, Lincoln is the movie for you. It has intensity, dramatic lighting, a stellar cast, and wonderful acting. I focused on the lighting and framing, and my partner focused on the acting and costume/set design. We comment on each other's ideas throughout the video, like the late and great movie critics - Siskel and Ebert. Pardon me if I speak a bit slow, it is just something that happens when I am in front of a camera. I hope...
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