Henry the Helpful

Welcome to my final AP for Computer Science. For this action project, I had to make a chatbot. A chatbot is a bot that has responses that it says based on what you say. To build this chatbot, I had to use the power of "if" statements, which we were taught in class. "If" statements are a type of code that can have things run under certain conditions. The chatbot I made is called Henry. The story is that his only purpose is to make people feel less lonely when they talk to him. However, Henry is actually more intelligent than you think he is and has an evil plan up his sleeve. I hope you enjoy!

I had a lot of fun making this chatbot. As you might have seen though, at the end of the script where it takes all of your answers to determine the ending you get, only the first two work. I tried many things to fix it, but it the rest still won't work for some reason. I was running out of time, so I painfully decided to leave it there. However, it did fulfil a lot of the requirements needed in the other portions, which makes me happy, and I will not let this get in the way of sharing my experience through this blog. Out of all the obstacles I faced in the process of making this, this one was the hardest. My big takeaways from this action project was putting my practice of "if" statements to the test. It turned out well for the most part, in my opinion. I really enjoyed this class and it was a great introduction to the world of coding for me. I hope you enjoyed!


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