Writing with a Recipe

This final week of my Professional Immersion Experience was similar to the last one. Our goal is to make something for lunch by Thursday, and learn new cooking skills as we go along. I have really learned a lot from Chef Mike these past two weeks - I just wish I had more time with him to learn other interesting things about cooking. Unfortunately, two weeks isn't a lot of time to get far into the world of cooking and hospitality.

My main goal for the PIE was to listen to Chef Mike, do what exactly what he expected of us, and especially learn new things. Let's say we had to cut raw chicken for a dish we were making. Before beginning, Chef Mike would give us a short demonstration on how to handle and cut the raw chicken properly. We would repeat his actions step by step. We listened intently to Chef Mike, learned how to cut a raw chicken properly, and would help create the dish we served to everyone on Thursday. Since our consumers could become ill if we mishandled the raw chicken or didn't clean things properly as we cooked, it was vital we take Chef Mike's lessons very seriously.

I admire the way Chef Mike teaches us these new skills. We accomplished so much in the limited time we had. I loved learning from him. Cooking is a necessary tool of survival. If you can't cook and feed yourself properly, you could become malnourished or sick. Eating out costs money and isn't as healthy as eating home cooked meals. What I have learned from my Professional Immersion Experience will help me in the future, like my upcoming college years. It will also assist me in passing down important family recipes to younger generations.

For my final presentation, I plan to make a traditional Lithuanian dish - Kugelis. Kugelis is a riced potato cake with bacon, best served with a dollop of sour cream. I will make two versions of this dish - one with bacon and one without. I fell in love with this traditional Lithuanian dish when I was a little boy. My great grandmother would make it for me and, now, my grandmother makes it. Chef Mike's knowledge and cooking instructions will help me recreate this recipe for my final presentation. I hope you enjoy it!


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