Cause it's a TILLER!

This unit was about the basics when it comes to tools. We learned about simple machines, some geometry, and how to know what people want in a tool. The purpose of this assignment is to gather feedback about a certain tool from people who use it and improve the tool upon that feedback. So what I did was gather some knowledge from a user of a tool and what they want more out of it so I can add what they want to the tool. These tool users are senior citizens. What makes these tool users unique are their inability to perform simple tasks that they could handle more easily when they are younger. I must use empathy to gather the knowledge I need about them when they use this tool. Empathy is when you put yourself in another person’s shoes and know what they struggle with. In this case, I put myself in a hand rake consumer’s shoes to know what a better hand rake should have. The slideshow below will show the idea my partner and I came up with. I hope you enjoy!

In conclusion, the Arm Rake is a lot easier to use than a regular hand rake for senior citizens due to its ability to be used while standing up and having a comfortable grip. These abilities it has allows the user to put in less effort into tilling soil. This is beneficial to senior citizens because their bodies don't work as well as they used to. While other tools are only designed for younger folks, our Arm Rake will help the older ones get the job done faster than they usually can. Call now and you will get your new Arm Rake with free shipping! What are you waiting for?


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