The Foolish Knight
My goal for this story is to teach the audience the importance of not abusing your power. Puppet shows are great for teaching young children life lessons, so making the backgrounds all colorful, setting the story in a fantasy setting, and giving the main character a very specific voice is what makes this show reminiscent of the ones shown to preschoolers. The purpose this serves is to make this show mean it is for teaching something. My inspiration for the methods I used to bring the Foolish Knight to life mainly came from the puppet breathing and expression techniques I learned in class from a puppeteer from Rough House Theatre. Making my hand puppet move at all times, even if it is with very small movements such as breathing, makes a big difference compared to just putting it on my hand and keeping it still until it needs to do something, like walk. I chose the story to take place in a medieval kingdom because it was not uncommon at the time to see knights abusing their power over th...