Global Growth

Economics is the production, distribution, and consumption of resources between multiple groups of people. It studies how people interact with goods and services. Not only does it study people, but it focuses on the behavior of businesses, governments, and even nations. The book Doughnut Economics , by Kate Raworth, was at the center of our Econ: Risking Value course. In the book, Kate Raworth shares her views on the world of economics and how it can be improved. She maps her ideas in a diagram shaped like a donut. These ideas relate to how economics can be used to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. The main cause of our financial problems derive from choosing economic growth over everything else. For this action project, I share my economic principle that would help solve current and important issues impacting our world today, such as climate change. I hope you enjoy! ____ My economic principle is modeled after William Nordhaus' "spaceship ...