SN's Bridge is Falling Down

Welcome to my first action project for this terms STEAM class, Urban Planning. In this class, we focus on what goes on behind designing architecture. This includes a bunch of physics and knowing what should go where. The first thing we started looking at was bridges. Since we are all in quarantine and can't be close to each other, our teacher video chatted with us as he walked to a well known bridge in the city. From there, we observed its supporting foundations and what makes it special. The next thing we started doing was sketching out our ideas for what our bridges should look like, studied other already existing bridge designs, and then started making them in real life with popsicle sticks and glue our teacher sent to us. It was a really fun thing to do when making them with each other over a video chat. Anyways, the last step was to place our popsicle stick bridges over a one foot gap and see if it could hold itself up against a gallon of water on top of it. The results of th...