Welcome to My World

Welcome to my first Action Project for the class Stories. In this class, we learned the term "etiology" and what it means. Etiology is the story of how something came to be - like mankind, for example. We have been reading a lot of mythological stories on how things came to be. For this Action Project, we were instructed to create our own stories about the etiology of how something came to be. It didn't have to be real. In this Action Project, we can make up our own world. When I made this action project, I put in too many words. I struggled all night taking out words while trying to keep this story good. I did well creating the it though. I am good at setting my imagination free. If I were to re-write this story, I would have focused less on introducing all of the characters. That is probably one of the reasons why I had too many words. Anyways, we all learn from our mistakes. I hope you enjoy! "Ancient Cave Painting of Man and Chimera Together" Illustra...