"I drink you need some water..."

Our class recently completed H2O: Unit 1 (71%). In this unit, we learned about the challenges people face to acquire fresh, potable water. In many developing countries, including areas of the United States, people struggle for access to this vital resource. The mission of the first H2O Field Experience was to carry water 0.2 miles from the Chicago River back to GCE Lab School. During the experience, my body felt incredibly sore trying to navigate the bumpy sidewalks with heavy buckets on wheels. Pushing the large buckets over cracks proved to be difficult. Psychologically, I became frustrated about how slow I was moving and how heavy and awkward the buckets were. The most challenging part of this External Investigation was when the buckets fell over three separate times, spilling much of my original water supply. I started the experience with 10 gallons of water (2 five gallon buckets), and ended with only 3.5 gallons of water. Less than half of what I originally collected. I est...