The Light Bag

This unit of Urban Planning was entirely focused on electricity. So much of what we learn in STEAM classes at GCE often relates back to electricity...and it isn't a bad thing. This unit, however, was devoted entirely to electricity. We learned about the War of the Currents, Ohm's Law, a bit about Benjamin Franklin, AC vs DC, almost everything related to circuits, different kinds of electricity, and more. Near the end of this unit, we touched on ways to be more efficient with electricity and talked to someone who works in this area on a virtual FE. This all led to the main objective of the AP. For this AP, we were required to use the electrical parts sent to us via mail, create a circuit, and add additional components from our own homes to make an energy efficient design that connected to a target for Sustainable Development Goal 7. I really enjoyed this unit because, not only did I developed a better understanding of circuits, how they work, and how they are applied to modern ...