The Climate of Crops
INTRODUCTION In the second unit of Food For Thought (Death), we learned about things that have and can lead to the decline of crops. For example, the Irish Potato Famine was caused by a fungal potato infection that wiped out the entire crop. The reason the potato crop had little chance of surviving was because it was a monoculture - a prolonged crop of one specific species of plant. For this action project, I was given a choice of a threat to write about that could affect our global food system. I chose to write about climate change, which, unfortunately, has become a source of many problems across several subjects. Not just from the present, but from the past, as well. Over the course of history, climate change has affected crops. Learn how, over time, natural disasters, such as droughts, rising air temperatures, and flooding, have ruined the agriculture of food. —————— Look out…your food has stopped growing. Cherry trees have been suffering from blooming either too early or ...