Feel the Burn
H2O Unit 3: CLIMATE CHANGE by SN INTRODUCTION: In this unit, my classmates and I have been studying climate change and how it effects the future of our planet. The safety zone for carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere is anything below 350 PPM (parts per million). Right now, as the amount of fossil fuels being used throughout the world is increasing, the CO2 level in our atmosphere has reached well over 400 parts per million. This means, the Carbon Cycle is off balance and there is more CO2 entering our atmosphere than being absorbed from it. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in our atmosphere and keeps it warm. The more greenhouses gases build up in our atmosphere, the warmer our planet becomes. When the balance is upset like this, climate change occurs, producing stronger storms, warmer temperatures, and melting glaciers. For this Action Project, our assignment was to choose a city in a different part of the world and learn about the impact of climate ...